Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Checkup Today...

Today I went for my checkup. It went well. He said I am healing perfectly. I'm glad to have it behind me. Now it is time to heal. I did get to eat a little more today. I'm kind of getting used to all of it now and dealing with everything a little better. It is still soft foods, but I'm learning to eat it better. We put some BBQ Pork steaks in the blender with BBQ sauce and it looked horrible- but it was YUMMY!!
I don't think I'll rattle on much tonight - I had to drive nearly 2 hrs. just to get to Mt. Home to the dr. today- then come home and it seemed like it took forever to get back here! So, I'm tired and got a headache tonight. I'll post more tomorrow night.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Another Better Day!!

Today has been FANTASTIC!!! I drove myself to town today. Went to the store where I work and visited with everybody, made myself a hair appt. for Friday, made a pot of soup, which was SOOOO good! I have not really had any pain today at all! My menu for today: Breakfast- Mashed potatoes, lunch- soup with crackers, supper- cauliflower,carrots, and broccoli smashed together with 1000 Island Dressing. I've actually had a variety today and BELIEVE ME THAT MAKES THIS GAL A VERY HAPPY GAL!!! Oh, I forgot sometime in there I had a good bowl of cinnimon and spice oatmeal. I can not believe the things I've been missing the last few days! I've got to go eat something in a little bit so I can take my medicine before bed. Oh, and my stitches have started to come out. That is an added bonus! Those little critters are driving me crazy! I'm growing quite fond of my "new look"! I put my pretty pink toothbrush away yesterday! Feels weird not brushing my teeth everyday!! I got James a while ago! It was SO FUNNY!! I yelled at him as he was walking away, " Hey! Do I have any broccoli stuck between my teeth?" He stopped for a second and then it hit him! He did the oh ha ha thing!!
Going to go get something to eat! OH WOW!! THAT SOUNDS SO GOOD!!
I can actually eat and enjoy it somewhat now! Didn't think I would get that feeling back for awhile, but I am there!! YIPEEEE!!!
Good Lord has got me through another tough time... He ALWAYS comes through!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's Easter!

Today is day 4 after the surgery and I'm feeling unbelievably much better!! I was thinking I'd never feel better, but I am! I'm still sore and it hurts to try to eat something, but I'm making it OK. I don't know if I'll go to mom's for the Easter thing but it is OK if I don't. She came here yesterday and brought my little Dakota Bob, who I have not seen since he got on the bus last Wednesday. He wouldn't hardly look at me. He hugged me and held on for awhile and just patted me, but I think he's afraid to look.

I've missed my little boys that is for sure. But I've also got some much needed rest through all of this. Mom came to get his Easter basket and brought me some beautiful Hyacithinths (spelling?). I want a yard full of those! They smell so good!! I know one thing for sure. I've been taking a lot of things for granted lately and that needs to stop. There are so many small things that I've not been able to do these last few days. I've not driven since last Tuesday! It would be nice just to hop in my car (nasty as it is- she needs a bath real bad!) and go. Getting groceries, not an elaborate task, but I enjoy it none the less! Poor James had to go last Friday and get them, he had some trouble finding it all I think. But, I am on the mend and this WILL NOT get the best of me! I'm scheduled to go back to work this coming Thursday but I may take it off too. When I go back I want to be as close to 100% as I can be.
"Hopping" today will be a great Easter Day! Until next time, I keep eating my mashed potatoes with Terrikay (spelling?)sauce!! :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Made it through another day!

Well, I've made it through another day... been out of bed more today and felt a little better, not much, but some. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better one. Just taking the days one at a time. I don't know if it is possible to lose weight this fast or not, but post op I was at 144 lbs. now, 3 days later I'm at 138. I've not been eating much. Enough to keep me going. I woke up sick this morning. Felt like I might loose my tummy or pass out. James cooked me mashed potatoes for breakfast. Unusual, but really good. They seem to be one of the things I can eat really well. I had a few more mashed potatoes with some salisbury steak gravy for lunch and some beans smashed up with lots of bean juice and hush puppies smashed up together with pickled green tomato juice to get it really runny. Sounds really gross, but at this point there was nothing gross about it!! It was really good until I got choked on it... not too bad but it caused my gums to really hurt REALLY bad. I do not want that to happen again!
Well, I'm too pooped to pop for tonight, going to go to bed soon and hope that tomorrow is a better day. Can't wait to eat real food again! Oh, and to see my cheeks there normal size:that will be good too!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm OK...swelled up but alive

Well,I'm ok. I survived. In pain, but can eat soft foods. Slept most of the way home on Wed. Slept most of the evening away that day. Stayed in bed most of yesterday. Living on Jello, applesauce, and mashed potatoes. Don't look too good. James took some pictures but I WILL NOT post those. At least not until I have an after picture. I'm going to try to keep a journal everday until I get my dentures. I know it won't be everyday, but I can keep up the best I can. I look like a swelled up chipmonk! My cheeks are really swollen and bruised. The pain is acutally not at all like I imagined. The left side of my top side of my gums is what hurts the most. It was supposed to take 1 hour, but it took him 1 1/2 hours. I had some that were harder to get out than others. But at least it is over. I'm going to go hit the recliner and at least try to be UP more today. Going to go finish my applesauce and Sprite!
Your faithful toothless wonder!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well, today is the day I go to get all of my teeth cut out. It is a bittersweet day... boy that sounds silly. BUT... my teeth are awful, but they are my teeth. I've ate with them since I've had them... obviously. But, now it is soft foods for awhile and I'm already hungry! I can't have anything else to eat (not since 6:30 this morning). I have problems with my blood sugar lately and I get really weak feeling and my legs and arms feel like noodles when I need food. SOOO... by the time they start on me I'll be glad to go to sleep!!I just hope I do go to sleep with this medicine!! I don't want to know a thing about it!! I'm actually better this morning than I thought I'd be!SO FAR!! I'll get worse the closer we get to Mountain Home. But I know there are a lot of people praying for me and I have the Lord by my side in all that I do. He doesn't see anything too small to care about and eventhough some people say this is no big deal, it is to me and He knows that. Maybe that is why my nerves are at ease as much as they are so far. I just hope we can get through up there. It is flooding everywhere around us! A lot of the roads are under water, but I think we will be fine. I DO NOT want to have to reschedule and have it to dread one more day!!! I would have blogged yesterday, but couldn't get on because our internet was down. It goes down in the heavy rain, wind, snow... But for the most part it is up most of the time.
I'm going to go and get ready. I did fix my hair, but am going without any makeup, which I HATE to do!!! But I doubt if I care this afternoon if I have any on or not!
Next post, toothless!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

2 More Days...

Well, I have 2 days left to go before my surgery. It is finally starting to sink in that I will have NO TEETH! I usually do really good up until the day or two before something like this, and then the day of... I completely freak out!! I'm holding together pretty good for now, but I can feel it building. I keep telling myself it will all be OK, but still shakin' in my shoes!! I've heard horror stories of people getting a vein cut and bleeding alot and that bacteria can get in to your blood stream and it can be very life threatening! So, my calmness, if there was any- is long gone!! I know that when it is all over I can look back, just like it did with getting my gall bladder out, and it will seem like no big deal- or that is what I'm hoping for anyway! I've got good pain pills so I know at least I can sleep through most of the discomfort that day and the few days afterward.
I've been eating everything I can get my little hands on too! I am going to bring pizza home tomorrow night for all of us! My last meal, er well, last one with teeth- I plan on sticking around for a long time! I can eat until 6:30 on Wed. morning, so you can bet I'll be crammin' it in then too!! I'm gaining weight, but I plan on losing some too. I guess on applesauce and soup, I've got to lose some. And I plan to walk when it warms up. My mom says she's going to walk this summer too! I want to look good, so when I do have my teeth made, I'll have my own "REVEALING", my own Extreme Makeover!!
Well, my stuffed belly full of 2 chili, slaw, and cheese hotdogs, french fries and a cherry turnover are signing off tonight... will post again tomorrow and the morning of to try to ease the nerves.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Well, here I am in all my crooked smiling glory. I know we are supposed to be happy with the way we look, but all my life I've hated to smile. My teeth are just awful, some my fault from not caring for them like I should have when I was small, and the other is just the fact that I just am one of those people who was not blessed with a pretty, healthy smile. So, I am having surgery on Wednesday and they are all getting cut out!! My gums are in VERY BAD SHAPE, terrible to say the least. My hubby is driving me nearly 2 hours away to an oral surgeon that came highly recommended. My appointment is at 12:45 on Wednesday afternoon. I can eat until 6:30 that morning. I have probably gained 5 pounds in the last few days trying to eat all I can before Wednesday. BECAUSE... I won't have any teeth back in my head for at least 8 WEEKS!!! It'll be soft foods, and soups for pizza, no hamburgers, no popcorn, no NOTHING I LIKE!!! for 8 weeks... but---- I will have my dentures then and will have a BEAUTIFUL SMILE!! Now that is a day I'm looking forward to!! Straight and white, a movie star grin is what I want! My hubby says they won't look real. My philosophy is they are not going to be real and if I have to go through the trouble of doing all of this, then they will be as close to perfect as they can be!! At least these can be taken out at night when they bother me... whereas the ones I have stuck in my head now can not!! Wish I could! Wish I had all the trouble I'm about to go through behind me , and all the pain. Which leads me to another point... they say there will be not as much pain as I'm expecting... HOW CAN THERE NOT BE???? Guess that is one thing I'll have to post about later.
So as for now, I'll sign off with 31 teeth all permanently secured, where they are supposed to be, in my jawbone, not in a cup by my sink!! Until next post...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

More pictures of the snow...

I had problems getting all the photos in the last post and wanted to get these on.

The boys are playing in the front yard in this picture. They are wearing their camo, so they are a little hard to see!

Dakota and Hunter playing in the snow! - And LOVING it!!

This is my little Dakota Bob, Ain't he cute!?

I love this barn! I have to stop on the side of the road in a curve to take a picture of it. It is worth it! I think I'm going to ask permission to go on this property and get some close ups when it gets warm enough.

It's Been awhile....

Wow! I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted last! We have had storms, snow and spring like weather all within a few weeks of one another. A tornado ripped a town to pieces just about an hour from me. It was awful. It went right through the middle of this little town. I didn't go see it personally, but I did see pictures of it.
I do have pictures of the snow we got... lots of pictures! It was beautiful and I DID get my wish to get to stay home with the boys and miss a couple days of work!! I thourghly enjoyed myself and so did they!

That was the first time to get them out and me off of work. Next came another one. Well, by now I don't need to miss anymore work and the kids are borderline to losing their Spring Break. We made the best of it though. It was really pretty and I got some great pictures!